注释 vs XML,优点和缺点

2022-01-13 00:00:00 annotations java


i am new to java here, I was reading about annotations and xml, personally I find out xml has lot of advantages like it can be put outside application, changes can be made without recompiling class files. If i use annotations if I need to make changes need to go to source code and recompiling should be done. If this is the case why should we use annotations



1) 所有信息都在一个文件中(无需打开两个文件来配置给定的行为)

1) All the information is in a single file (no need to open two files to configure a given behavior)
2) When the class changes, no need to modify the xml file


1) POJO 与其行为之间的明确分离

1) Clear separation between the POJO and its behavior
2) When you do not know which POJO is responsible for the behavior, it is easier to find that POJO (searching in a subset of files rather than all the source code)
