有没有办法在 Java 中使用注释来替换访问器?

2022-01-13 00:00:00 annotations metaprogramming java

我对 Java 5 注释有点陌生,我很好奇其中任何一个是否可行:

I'm a little new to the Java 5 annotations and I'm curious if either of these are possible:


This annotation would generate a simple getter and setter for you.

private String var = "";

@NotNull 注释表示变量不能为空,因此您不必每次都编写样板代码.

The @NotNull annotation indicates that a variable connot be null so you don't have to write that boilerplate code every time.

 * @param s @NotNull
public void setString(String s){


Will either of these work? They seem like the first things I would write annotations for if I could. Since I don't see much about these when I read the docs I'm assuming that it's not really what annotations are about. Any direction here would be appreciated.



Annotation processing occurs on the abstract syntax tree. This is a structure that the parser creates and the compiler manipulates.


The current specification (link to come) says that annotation processors cannot alter the abstract syntax tree. One of the consequences of this is that it is not suitable to do code generation.

如果您喜欢这种功能,请查看 XDoclet.这应该为您提供我认为您正在寻找的代码生成预处理.

If you'd like this sort of functionality, then have a look at XDoclet. This should give you the code generation preprocessing I think you are looking for.

对于您的 @NonNull 示例,JSR-305 是注释集,用于增强软件缺陷检测,包括@NonNull@CheckForNull 以及许多其他人.

For your @NonNull example, JSR-305 is a set of annotations to enhance software defect detection, and includes @NonNull and @CheckForNull and a host of others.

编辑:Project Lombok 正好解决了 getter 和设置器生成.

Edit: Project Lombok solves exactly the problem of getter and setter generation.
