Javadoc 使用 @value 在内部类常量上显示值

2022-01-13 00:00:00 annotations constants javadoc java

我有一个内部类,它声明一个常量,并希望使用 @value 注释在封闭的顶级类的 Javadoc 中显示它的值.例如:

I have an inner class which declares a constant and want to display its value in Javadoc of the enclosing top-level class using the @value annotation. For example:

 * {@value #FOO_CONS} // this displays well
 * {@value #BAR_CONS} // this does not work (checked in the latest Eclipse)
 * {@value Bar#BAR_CONS} // this does not work, either
public Foo {
  public static final int FOO_CONS = 1;
  static class Bar {
    public static final int BAR_CONS = 42;

任何想法如何在 Foo 类(或任何其他类,一般来说)的 Javadoc 中显示 BAR_CONS 的值?

Any ideas how to display the value of BAR_CONS in Javadoc of the Foo class (or any other class, in general)?


{@value package.class#field}

Javadoc format for constant defined in another package should be:
{@value package.class#field}


However, it potentially not rendering is a known issue:
