'android.annotation.NonNull' 在 'android.annotation' 中不公开.无法从外部包访问


I get this warning when I try to list data. Does anyone know why?


您指的是 Android 平台的内部注解,这些注解并不是您想要用于您自己的代码的注解.对于您的代码,您应该导入这些注释的 AndroidX 版本:

You're referring to the Android platform's internal annotations, which aren't the ones you want to use for your own code. For your code, you should import the AndroidX versions of those annotations:



等等.(注意 androidx vs android 中额外的 x)

etc. (note the extra x in androidx vs android)

您还需要确保在 build.gradle 中声明了对 androidx.annotation:annotation 的依赖项(请参阅 这里获取最新版本信息)

You'll also want to make sure you have declared a dependency on androidx.annotation:annotation in your build.gradle (see here for the latest version information)
