
2022-01-13 00:00:00 annotations java Hibernate

我有一个与表关联的 Hibernate 数据类;想象像这样的实体Person:

I have a Data Class for Hibernate associated to a table; imagine the Entity Person like this:

 @Table(name="Person", schema="MySchema")
 public class ProfileData implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -844564646821609090L;

    public PersonData() {

    @Column(name="idPerson", nullable=false, unique=true)   

我需要按此表的年份创建历史表:Person2010、Person2011、Person2012... 是否可以不创建新的数据对象?也许通过参数...?我不知道.

I need to create historic tables by years of this table: Person2010, Person2011, Person2012... Is it possible without creating new Data Objects? Maybe by a parameter...? I don´t know.


The Entity class is the same, changing the table name and the constructor.



Another one Architecture, more complez but elegant:

YES,您可以使用 NamingStrategies 更改表名:

YES, You can change the table names using NamingStrategies:

public class MyNamingStrategy extends DefaultNamingStrategy {
   public  String tableName(String tableName) {
      return tableName+yearSuffixTable;

而且,当您想使用 _year 表时,您必须使用 Hibernate 创建一个覆盖 rhe 表名称的会话:

And, when you wanna to use the _year tables, you must to create a session with Hibernate that override rhe table names:

  SessionFactory sessionFactory;
  Configuration config = new AnnotationConfiguration()
                         .setNamingStrategy( new MyNamingStrategy () );
  sessionFactory = config.buildSessionFactory();
  session = sessionFactory.openSession();


For my architecture I create a session by year and store it into Application map for access when I need it.

