JUnit @Test 预期的注释不起作用

2022-01-13 00:00:00 annotations exception java junit throwable


@Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class)
public void testKey() {
    int key = 1;

但是 JUnit 报告说,测试失败,尽管它抛出了 - 正如预期的那样 - IllegalStateException.

But JUnit reports, that the test fails, although it throws — as expected — an IllegalStateException.


Do I have to configure something else to make this run?


public class TestSuite {


像 这个问题,但仍然没有得到想要的结果.

like in this question, but am still not getting the desired result.

当我删除 test 前缀时,我仍然收到错误消息.

And when I remove the test prefix I'm still getting an error.

我得说我使用 Eclipse 运行这些测试,但它被配置为使用 JUnit 4 Runner.

I gotta say that I run these tests with Eclipse, but it's configured to use the JUnit 4 Runner.


问题是,嵌套测试的类是 TestCase 的扩展.由于这是 JUnit 3 样式,因此注释不起作用.

The problem was, that the class in which the test was nested was an extension of TestCase. Since this is JUnit 3 style, the annotation didn't work.


Now my test class is a class on its own.
