你什么时候使用 Java 的 @Override 注解,为什么?

2022-01-13 00:00:00 annotations java

使用 Java 的 @Override 注释的最佳实践是什么?为什么?

What are the best practices for using Java's @Override annotation and why?

@Override 注释标记每个被覆盖的方法似乎有点过头了.是否有某些编程情况需要使用 @Override 和其他不应该使用 @Override 的情况?

It seems like it would be overkill to mark every single overridden method with the @Override annotation. Are there certain programming situations that call for using the @Override and others that should never use the @Override?



Use it every time you override a method for two benefits. Do it so that you can take advantage of the compiler checking to make sure you actually are overriding a method when you think you are. This way, if you make a common mistake of misspelling a method name or not correctly matching the parameters, you will be warned that you method does not actually override as you think it does. Secondly, it makes your code easier to understand because it is more obvious when methods are overwritten.

此外,在 Java 1.6 中,您可以使用它来标记方法何时实现接口以获得相同的好处.我认为最好有一个单独的注解(如 @Implements),但总比没有好.

Additionally, in Java 1.6 you can use it to mark when a method implements an interface for the same benefits. I think it would be better to have a separate annotation (like @Implements), but it's better than nothing.
