System.nanoTime() 跨线程是否一致?

2022-01-13 00:00:00 multithreading timestamp java nanotime

我想以纳秒为单位计算两个事件之间经过的时间.为此,我可以使用 System.nanoTime() 提到的 这里.问题是这两个事件发生在不同的线程中.

I want to count the time elapsed between two events in nanoseconds. To do that, I can use System.nanoTime() as mentioned here. The problem is that the two events are happening in different threads.

由于 nanoTime() 不返回绝对时间戳,而是只能用于计算时间差异,我想知道我得到的值是否两个不同线程上的两个事件之间经过的物理时间是一致的.

Since nanoTime() doesn't return an absolute timestamp but instead can only be used to calculate time differences, I'd like to know if the values I get on the two different threads are consistent with the physical time elapsed between the two events.


它是 应该是,但由于内核或硬件有问题,答案可能是否定的a>,至少在某些环境中.

It's supposed to be, but due to buggy kernels or hardware, the answer can be no, at least in some environments.
