
2022-01-12 00:00:00 string byte type-conversion java

在 Java 中,如何将字节的十六进制字符串表示形式(例如1e")转换为字节值?

In Java, how can a hexadecimal string representation of a byte (e.g. "1e") be converted into a byte value?


byte b = ConvertHexStringToByte("1e");


可以使用Byte.parseByte("a", 16);但这仅适用于高达 127 的值,由于有符号/无符号问题,高于需要转换为字节的值所以我建议将其传输到 int 然后将其转换为 byte

You can use Byte.parseByte("a", 16); but this will work only for values up to 127, values higher then that will need to cast to byte, due to signed/unsigned issues so i recommend to transfer it to an int and then cast it to byte

(byte) (Integer.parseInt("ef",16) & 0xff);
