为什么我不能写 ch=ch+1;而不是 ch++;尽管它们具有相同的含义

2022-01-12 00:00:00 integer char increment java
package practicejava;

public class Query {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        char ch = 66;
        System.out.println("character= " + ch);


        System.out.println("character = " + ch);


技术上 ch++;ch=ch+1; 是一样的,但是为什么我写 ch=ch+1; 而不是 ch++;?

Technically ch++; and ch=ch+1; are the same but why do I get an error when I write ch=ch+1; instead of ch++;?



You need to provide a cast in order to do that :

ch = (char) (ch + 1);

这是因为表达式 ch + 1 被提升(upcast)为 int.为了让您将此表达式重新分配给 char,您需要显式 downcast 它.

This is because the expression ch + 1 is is promoted (upcast) to an int. In order for you to reassign this expression to a char you need to explicitly downcast it.
