如何在 Java 中将整数添加到 char 中?

2022-01-12 00:00:00 char encryption java

我正在用 Java 编写密码,但我无法执行以下操作:我想编辑一个 char 数组的值来加密它

I'm making a Cipher in Java but I can't do the follwing thing: I want to edit the value of a char array to encrypt it


更改每个字符的 ASCII 值可能是答案,我不知道;这就是我问你们的原因!

Changing the ASCII value of each char might be the answer, I don't know; that's why I'm asking you Guys!


你可以在 char 中添加一个 int,但结果是一个 int - 你必须转换回 char 才能把它放回数组中,除非你使用复合赋值运算符:

You can add an int to a char, but the result is an int - you'd have to cast back to char to put it back in the array, unless you use the compound assignment operator:

array[x] += someInt;

array[x] = (char) (array[x] + someInt);

但是,通常这不是执行加密的适当方式.您通常会得到不可打印的字符,或者在 Unicode 中甚至没有特定含义的字符.相反,大多数加密算法旨在处理任意二进制数据——即字节数组.

However, usually this isn't an appropriate way of performing encryption. You'll often end up with unprintable characters, or characters which don't even have a specific meaning in Unicode. Instead, most encryption algorithms are designed to work on arbitrary binary data - i.e. byte arrays.

通常您会先将字符串转换为字节数组(例如,使用 String.getBytes(charset) - 一定要指定编码).然后对字节数组进行加密,给你一个新的字节数组.如果您真的需要将其转换回文本,请使用 base64 执行此操作 - 不 使用 new String(encryptedBytes),因为您没有不再有以普通文本编码方式编码的文本数据.

Usually you would convert the string into a byte array first (e.g. with String.getBytes(charset) - definitely specify an encoding). Then perform encryption on the byte array, giving you a new byte array. If you really need to convert it back to text, use base64 to do so - do not use new String(encryptedBytes), as you no longer have text data encoded in a normal text encoding.
