
2022-01-12 00:00:00 char java java.util.scanner

什么是Scanner 方法来获取Java 中键盘返回的char.

What is the Scanner method to get a char returned by the keyboard in Java.

比如 nextLine() 代表 StringnextInt() 代表 int 等等

like nextLine() for String, nextInt() for int, etc.


要从 Scanner 获取 char,可以使用 findInLine 方法.

To get a char from a Scanner, you can use the findInLine method.

    Scanner sc = new Scanner("abc");
    char ch = sc.findInLine(".").charAt(0);
    System.out.println(ch); // prints "a"
    System.out.println(sc.next()); // prints "bc"

如果您需要来自 Scanner 的一堆 char,那么(可能暂时)将分隔符更改为空字符串可能会更方便.这将使 next() 每次返回一个长度为 1 的字符串.

If you need a bunch of char from a Scanner, then it may be more convenient to (perhaps temporarily) change the delimiter to the empty string. This will make next() returns a length-1 string every time.

    Scanner sc = new Scanner("abc");
    while (sc.hasNext()) {
    } // prints "a", "b", "c"
