可以将整数值分配给 char 但不能将整数变量分配给 char

2022-01-12 00:00:00 char int java


Why doesn't the following code compile

int n = 5;
char c = n;


char c = 5;

我不是在这两种情况下都给 char 分配了一个整数值吗?

Aren't I just assigning an integer value to char in both cases?


可以将 char 分配给 int 而无需强制转换,因为这是一种扩大转换.反过来,将 int 转换为 char 需要强制转换,因为它是一种缩小转换.

A char can be assigned to an int without a cast because that is a widening conversion. To do the reverse, an int to a char requires a cast because it is a narrowing conversion.

另请参阅 JLS.第 5 章.转化和促销.
