禁止基于 Maven 的持续集成构建的 GPG 签名 (Travis CI)

我正在使用 Travis-CI 为一些 Java 开源项目提供持续集成构建.我正在努力.

I'm using Travis-CI to provide continuous integration builds for a few Java open source projects I'm working on.

通常这很顺利,但是当 POM 指定 GPG 签名时我遇到了问题,例如

Normally this works smoothly, but I have a problem when the POM specifies GPG signing, e.g.


这会导致 Travis 构建失败 - 显然是因为它在运行 mvn install 时没有可用的密码.有关示例,请参阅 此构建.

This causes the Travis build to fail - apparently because it does not have a passphrase available while running mvn install. See this build for an example.

配置 Maven 和/或 Travis 以跳过 CI 测试构建的 GPG 签名,但在我执行正确的发布构建时仍执行 GPG 签名的最佳方法是什么?

What is the best way to configure Maven and/or Travis to skip GPG signing for CI test builds, but still perform GPG signing when I do a proper release build?


你需要创建一个profile &确保仅在进行发布构建时才运行它.

You need to create a profile & make sure you run that only when you do the release build.


Remove the current plugin, and add it in a profile like this:


然后当你真正需要发布时,将属性添加到你的 mvn 命令中:

And then when you actually need to do a release, add the property to your mvn command:

mvn -DperformRelease=true ...
