如何将 Sprite 纹理更改为动画

2022-01-12 00:00:00 animation sprite java libgdx


I have a Sprite that spawns every second, what I wan't to do is change the sprite texture to animation, and the when it's touched it will be back to a normal texture.

     public void draw(SpriteBatch batch){
       enemyIterator=enemies.iterator();  //arraylist iterator
       boolean touched=Gdx.input.justTouched();
       float touchX=Gdx.input.getX();

   //rendering and making the current sprite move
           Sprite sprite=enemyIterator.next();

//detecting if the screen is touched and if the inputX is inside of the sprite.
           if(touched==true && touchX > sprite.getX() && touchX < sprite.getX()+sprite.getWidth()){
               enemyIterator.remove(); //removing the sprite when touched.
               Pools.free(sprite); //freeing the Pools



创建一个名为 MySprite 的 Sprite 子类,并覆盖 draw(batch) 方法.

Create a subclas of Sprite called MySprite or something, and override the draw(batch) method.

在覆盖的draw方法中,如果要绘制纹理,只需调用super.draw(batch),其他的使用你的动画绘制代码.您可以使用 Gdx.graphics.getDeltaTime()

In the overriden draw method, if you want to draw a texture, simply call super.draw(batch), otehrwise use your animation draw code. You can get the delta time using Gdx.graphics.getDeltaTime()

为什么必须指定 timePassed


Your program will run at different frame rates to the animation, so by telling the animation how much time has passed, it can work out what frame it should be on according to it's own framerate.


Note that the framerate of your app can vary from frame-to-frame depending on how much work it has to do.
