Libgdx 1.3.0 不构建 eclipse 文件

2022-01-12 00:00:00 java eclipse libgdx

我看到 libgdx 的 1.3.0 版本可用,所以我得到了它,当我使用项目设置来设置项目时,我检查了高级 > 为 Eclipse 构建并点击生成,但是当我尝试将它导入 Eclipse 时它说没有找到项目.在 1.3.0 发布之前,1.2.0 版对我来说非常有效,现在我什至无法获得该版本来构建 eclipse 文件.任何修复,我不使用 gradle.

I saw that version 1.3.0 of libgdx was available so I got it and when I use the project setup to setup a project I check advanced > build for eclipse and hit generate but when I try to import it into eclipse it says no projects found. Version 1.2.0 worked perfectly for me before 1.3.0 was released now I can't even get that version to build eclipse files. Any fixes and I don't use gradle.


尝试将项目导入为 Gradle 项目.为此,请执行以下操作:在 Eclipse 中打开 LibGDX 项目(ADT Bundle)

Try importing the projects as Gradle projects. To do that, do the following: Opening LibGDX project in Eclipse (ADT Bundle)

新的ADT 23.0.2 不允许直接安装Gradle Integration Tool,需要去Help -> Install New Software -> Work With -> Juno -> General Purpose Tools -> Marketplace Client,然后搜索对于 Gradle 并添加 Gradle 集成工具(不是 4.4 工具).

The new ADT 23.0.2 does not allow installing the Gradle Integration Tool directly, you need to go to Help -> Install New Software -> Work With -> Juno -> General Purpose Tools -> Marketplace Client, and then search for Gradle and add the Gradle Integration tool (not the 4.4 one).

然后只需使用 Import -> Gradle,按 Build Model,然后 OK,它应该可以工作了.

Then just use Import -> Gradle, press Build Model, then OK and it should work.
