Java LibGDX BitmapFont setScale 方法不起作用

2022-01-12 00:00:00 java libgdx

我目前正在尝试缩放字体,但收到错误消息方法 setScale(float, float) 未定义 BitmapFont 类型"这是我收到错误的代码部分,特别是在第 2 行和第 4 行.

I am currently trying to scale a font but I am receiving the error "the method setScale(float, float) is undefined for the type BitmapFont" This is the code section where I am getting the error, specifically in lines 2 and 4.

    font = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("text.fnt"));
    font.setScale (.25f, -.25f);
    shadow = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("shadow.fnt"));
    shadow.setScale (.25f -.25f);


  public static  BitmapFont font;
public  static BitmapFont shadow;

当我检查使用 setScale 函数的其他示例时,这似乎是使用的格式.关于为什么会发生这种情况的任何想法?

When I check other examples of using the setScale function, this seems to be the format used. Any ideas as to why this is occurring?


这个方法在 BitmapFont 类.

LibGDX 1.5.6(发布于2015 年 4 月),如 libgdx 团队博客文章中所述.您遵循的教程现在可能已经过时了.

An API change for the Bitmap* classes has been introduced with LibGDX 1.5.6 (released in April 2015) as explained in this libgdx team blog post. The tutorial you followed is probably now outdated.

长话短说,使用最新的 libgdx 版本,您应该可以做到:

Long story short, with the latest libgdx version, you should be able to do :

