渲染和触摸输入之间的 libgdx 坐标系差异

2022-01-12 00:00:00 coordinates game-engine java libgdx

我有一个渲染 PNG 图像的屏幕(BaseScreen 实现 Screen 接口).单击屏幕时,它会将角色移动到触摸的位置(用于测试目的).

I have a screen (BaseScreen implements the Screen interface) that renders a PNG image. On click of the screen, it moves the character to the position touched (for testing purposes).

public class DrawingSpriteScreen extends BaseScreen {
    private Texture _sourceTexture = null;
    float x = 0, y = 0;

    public void create() {
        _sourceTexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/character.png"));



During rendering of the screen, if the user touched the screen, I grab the coordinates of the touch, and then use these to render the character image.

public void render(float delta) {
    if (Gdx.input.justTouched()) {
        x = Gdx.input.getX();
        y = Gdx.input.getY();

    super.getGame().batch.draw(_sourceTexture, x, y);

问题是绘制图像的坐标从左下角开始(如 LibGDX Wiki 中所述),而触摸输入的坐标从左上角开始.所以我遇到的问题是我点击右下角,它将图像移动到右上角.我的坐标可能是 X 675 Y 13,触摸时它会在屏幕顶部附近.但是字符显示在底部,因为坐标从左下角开始.

The issue is the coordinates for drawing the image start from the bottom left position (as noted in the LibGDX Wiki) and the coordinates for the touch input starts from the upper left corner. So the issue I'm having is that I click on the bottom right, it moves the image to the top right. My coordinates may be X 675 Y 13, which on touch would be near the top of the screen. But the character shows at the bottom, since the coordinates start from the bottom left.


Why is what? Why are the coordinate systems reversed? Am I using the wrong objects to determine this?


为了检测碰撞,我使用 camera.unproject(vector3).我将 vector3 设置为:

To detect collision I use camera.unproject(vector3). I set vector3 as:

x = Gdx.input.getX();     
y = Gdx.input.getY();

现在我在 camera.unproject(vector3) 中传递这个向量.使用这个向量的 xy 来绘制你的角色.

Now I pass this vector in camera.unproject(vector3). Use x and y of this vector to draw your character.
