是否可以在 libGDX 中禁用帧限制?

2022-01-12 00:00:00 java libgdx frame-rate

更具体地说,一个桌面 libGDX-LWJGL 应用程序.有一些配置选项可以禁用 CPU 同步以及 vsyncing,但无论应用程序以 60fps 运行.

More specifically, a desktop libGDX-LWJGL application. There are configurations options to disable CPU syncing as well as vsynching, but regardless the application runs at 60fps.

这对于所有实际用途都很好 - 但出于好奇,如果没有别的,我想看看帧率可以达到多高.

This is fine for all practical uses - but out of curiousity if nothing else, I'd like to see how high the framerate could go.


Rode Hyde的答案不再正确由于图书馆的变化.试试这个:

Rode Hyde's answer is no longer correct due to changes in the library. Try this:

LwjglApplicationConfiguration config = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration();
config.vSyncEnabled = false; // Setting to false disables vertical sync
config.foregroundFPS = 0; // Setting to 0 disables foreground fps throttling
config.backgroundFPS = 0; // Setting to 0 disables background fps throttling

此外,请确保 GPU 上的所有硬件 vsync 都已关闭,如果可能的话,正如 @RodHyde 所提到的那样.

Also, make sure any hardware vsync is off on your GPU, if possible, as @RodHyde mentioned.
