
2022-01-12 00:00:00 android java libgdx particles


static final float FRUSTUM_WIDTH = 10;
 static final float FRUSTUM_HEIGHT = 15;   


So when I draw the particles they take the whole screen and are huge! So how do I scale them down to fit my needs?




Either you use the particle editor (to be honest I don't think it's a good idea for sizing the particles, as you mentioned the particles won't get too small (for anything else I really recommend it)) or you just open the particle effect file. It should be generated by the editor or you can copy it from the examples. In this file search the fields below:

- Scale - 
lowMin: 0.0
lowMax: 0.0
highMin: 0.6
highMax: 0.6
relative: false
scalingCount: 1
scaling0: 1.0
timelineCount: 1
timeline0: 0.0

根据需要调整 highMinhighMax.

Adjust the highMin and highMax as needed.
