com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException:无法加载文件:- 错误
我正在尝试在 libGDX for iOS 中开发一个应用程序.
I am trying to develop an application in libGDX for iOS.
在我的 Java 类中我写了这一行
In my Java class I have written this line
private Texture texture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/folder_name_1/folder_name_2/abcd.png"));
我的 robovm.xml 看起来像这样-
and my robovm.xml looks like this-
当我尝试在 iOS 模拟器上运行代码时,它运行良好.但是当我尝试在 iOS 设备(即 iPhone)上运行它时.它会生成一个看起来像这样的错误 -
When I try to run the code on iOS simulator it runs fine. But when I try to run it on an iOS device i.e. iPhone. It generates an error which looks like this-
com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: Couldn't load file: data/folder_name_1/folder_name_2/abcd.png
Can someone help me with this ?
注意:- 在我的 iOS 项目中的 data 文件夹中,还有另一个data"文件夹,其中还有另一个名为folder_name_1"的文件夹,然后在里面我有folder_name_2"文件夹,里面有我的 png 文件'abcd.png'.
Note:- in my iOS project in the data folder, there is another 'data' folder in which there is another folder named 'folder_name_1', then inside it I have 'folder_name_2' folder and inside it I have my png file 'abcd.png'.
您要查找的资源不在数据"文件夹中.它在 android 项目中的资产"中.
the resource you are looking for is NOT in the "data" folder. It's in the "Assets" which is in the android project.
此外,在加载纹理时,您不需要使用 FileHandler.. 这已经足够了:
Also when loading textures you don't need to use a FileHandler.. This would be enough:
texture = new Texture("image.png");
这将是 android 项目的根(资产)文件夹
which would be the root (assets) folder of the android project