将 Freetypefont 放入 libgdx 皮肤

2022-01-12 00:00:00 java libgdx scene2d freetype

在我的 uiskin.json 我有这个

In my uiskin.json I have this

com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.BitmapFont: { default-font: { file: text/default.fnt } }

当我在资产文件夹的文本文件夹中有 default.fnt 时,这很好......

This is fine for when I have the default.fnt in my text folder in the assets folder...

但是我想使用 Freetypefont.

However I want to use a Freetypefont.

如何创建 Freetypefont 并将其加载到 uiskin 文件中?

How do I create a Freetypefont and load it into the uiskin file?



It is not possible to do it beforehand, since you are going to generate it at runtime.

我的解决方法是保持默认字体不变,并在运行时通过代码替换它.您可以使用 Skin.add(...) 为此.

My workaround would be to keep the default font as it is and replace it at runtime via code. You can use Skin.add(...) for that.

BitmapFont newDefaultFont = FreeTypeFontGenerator...;
skin.add("default-font", newDefaultFont, BitmapFont.class);
