如何从 Java 中使用 Prolog?

2022-01-12 00:00:00 prolog java

在 Java/Eclipse 应用程序的上下文中,我想将 Prolog 用于特定任务.有哪些可用的解决方案和工具可以做到这一点,以及相关的利弊?

In the context of a Java/Eclipse application I would like to use Prolog for a particular task. What are the available solutions and tools to do that, and associated pro and cons ?

我可以启动一个外部 Prolog 解释器在文件中生成结果吗?我可以使用完整的 Prolog Java 库(用 java 实现的 Prolog 解释器)吗?我可以使用专用于与外部 Prolog 解释器通信的 java 库吗?

I can launch an external Prolog interpreter generating the result in a file ? I can use a full Prolog Java Library (Prolog interpreter implemented in java) ? I can use a java library dedicated to the communication with an external Prolog interpreter ?




我会给 GNU Prolog for Java 试一试.来自网站:

I would give GNU Prolog for Java a try. From the website:

GNU Prolog for Java 是 ISO Prolog 作为 Java 库的实现

GNU Prolog for Java is an implementation of ISO Prolog as a Java library
