Eclipse Luna 在 Ubuntu 的新项目上崩溃

2022-01-12 00:00:00 ubuntu crash eclipse

我在让 Eclipse Luna 工作时遇到了一些问题.我从 Eclipse 站点下载了 tar.gz,并为 Java JDK 下载了 tar.gz.我提取了所有内容并正确打开了 Eclipse,但是当我尝试创建一个新项目时,它崩溃了.在终端中,我运行了 java -version,它告诉我我的版本是 1.8.0_25,所以我认为 java 没有问题.现在,如果我尝试制作任何类型的项目,就会发生这种情况.Eclipse 打开创建特定类型新项目的向导,然后整个应用程序崩溃.当我开始这样做时,我将它安装在 KDE 桌面下.当 Eclipse 崩溃时,我收到消息 java:/build/buildd/gtk2-engines-oxygen-1.4.5/src/animations/oxygencomboboxdata.cpp:87‌ : void Oxygen::ComboBoxData::setButton(GtkWidget*): 断言 '!_button._widget' 失败.所以,我决定安装 xfce 桌面来解决它,因为氧气是 KDE 主题.我卸载了 eclipse 并在 xfce 下重新安装了它,我有同样的行为和同样的错误.当我从命令行运行 eclipse 时,我在启动时得到这个异常:

I'm having some trouble getting Eclipse Luna to work. I downloaded the tar.gz from the eclipse site and I downloaded the tar.gz for the Java JDK. I extracted everything and Eclipse opens properly, but when I try to make a new project, it crashes on me. In the terminal I ran java -version and it tells me I have version 1.8.0_25 so I don't think I have an issue with java. Now, this happens if I try to make any kind of project. Eclipse opens the wizard for creating a new project of a particular type and then the whole application crashes. When I started doing this, I installed it under the KDE desktop. When Eclipse crashes, I get the message java: /build/buildd/gtk2-engines-oxygen-1.4.5/src/animations/oxygencomboboxdata.cpp:87‌​: void Oxygen::ComboBoxData::setButton(GtkWidget*): Assertion '!_button._widget' failed. So, I decided to install the xfce desktop to get around it, since oxygen is a KDE theme. I uninstalled eclipse and reinstalled it under xfce and I have the same behavior and the same errors. When I run eclipse from the command line, I get this exception on startup:

java.lang.ClassCastException: org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.EquinoxConfiguration$1 cannot be cast to java.lang.String
at org.eclipse.m2e.logback.configuration.LogHelper.logJavaProperties(
at org.eclipse.m2e.logback.configuration.LogPlugin.loadConfiguration(
at org.eclipse.m2e.logback.configuration.LogPlugin.configureLogback(
at org.eclipse.m2e.logback.configuration.LogPlugin.access$2(
at org.eclipse.m2e.logback.configuration.LogPlugin$
at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(


Does anyone have any ideas on what else to try?


根据此错误报告中的评论 20:

According to comment 20 in this bug report:

这似乎是 GTK 中的一个错误,根据来源/gtk2-engines-oxygen/+bug/1242801(报告了 Meld 的类似问题).

This seems to be a bug in GTK according to (there a similar problem for Meld was reported).

提到的另一个解决方法是氧气,编辑通常已经存在的文件/usr/share/themes/oxygen-gtk/gtk-2.0/gtkrc 并更改

Another workaround mentioned there is for Oxygen, edit the normally already existing file /usr/share/themes/oxygen-gtk/gtk-2.0/gtkrc and change

`GtkComboBox::appears-as-list = 1`


`GtkComboBox::appears-as-list = 0`


This workaround is working for me.
