
2022-01-12 00:00:00 formatting java

我尝试过使用 NumberFormatDecimalFormat.即使我使用的是 en-In 语言环境,数字也被格式化为西方格式.是否有任何选项可以将数字格式化为 lakhs 格式?

I have tried using NumberFormat and DecimalFormat. Even though I am using the en-In locale, the numbers are being formatted in Western formats. Is there any option to format a number in lakhs format instead?

Ex - 我希望 NumberFormatInstance.format(123456) 给出 1,23,456.00 而不是 123,456.00 (例如,使用描述的系统此维基百科页面).

Ex - I want NumberFormatInstance.format(123456) to give 1,23,456.00 instead of 123,456.00 (e.g., using the system described on this Wikipedia page).


由于标准的 Java 格式化程序是不可能的,我可以提供自定义格式化程序

Since it is impossible with standard the Java formatters, I can offer a custom formatter

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

private static String formatLakh(double d) {
    String s = String.format(Locale.UK, "%1.2f", Math.abs(d));
    s = s.replaceAll("(.+)(...\...)", "$1,$2");
    while (s.matches("\d{3,},.+")) {
        s = s.replaceAll("(\d+)(\d{2},.+)", "$1,$2");
    return d < 0 ? ("-" + s) : s;


