如何打印不带逗号的 Double

2022-01-12 00:00:00 formatting double java

使用 toString() 时,Double 添加逗号(5143 打印为 5,143).如何禁用逗号?

When using toString(), Double adds commas (5143 is printed as 5,143). How to disable the commas?


正如 Rorick 正确指出的那样,您的问题属于 Locale.但是,您应该查看 DecimalFormat类,以防万一更改语言环境意味着搞砸所有事情.

Your problem belongs to Locale, as pointed out correctly by Rorick. However, you should look into DecimalFormat class, in case changing Locale means mess up all the things.

查看 NumberFormat 类, 处理千位分隔符.因为您的情况似乎是关于千位分隔符.

Look at NumberFormat class, to deal with thousand separator. Because it seems your case is regarding thousand separator instead.
