Eclipse:保存时自动格式化 XML 文件

2022-01-12 00:00:00 xml formatting eclipse

在 Eclipse 中保存 XML 文件时是否可以以某种方式自动格式化?

Is it possible to somehow auto-format when saving XML files in Eclipse?

我知道对于 Java 文件可以这样做,但我希望它也适用于 XML 文件.

I know it's possible to do it for Java files, but I would like it to happen for XML files as well.

具体来说,我在为 Android 开发时使用并喜欢 XML 文件的自动格式化功能,因为 Android 非常重视使用 XML 文件.

Specifically, I'm using and loving the auto format feature for XML files while developing for Android, as Android is quite heavy on using XML files.


我将使用我自己的关于即将推出到 ADT 的修复的文章来回答我自己的问题:

I'm going to answer my own question using my own article about the fix that's about to be rolled out to ADT:

更新:从 r14 开始,ADT 现在终于可以做到这一点了.

Update: since r14, ADT can now finally do this.
