如何使 JUnit 测试用例按顺序运行?

2022-01-11 00:00:00 operating-system java junit junit4

我正在使用 JUnit4.

I am using JUnit4.


I have a set of test methods in a test case.


Each test method inserts some records and verify a test result and finally delete the records inserted.

由于 JUnit 并行运行,测试方法会因为某些原因而失败以前的测试方法执行期间存在的记录.这只发生在我同事的机器上(Windows 7),不在我的机器上(Cent操作系统 6).

Since the JUnit run in parallel, test methods fail because of some records present during the execution of previous test method. This happen only in my colleague machine(Windows 7), not in my machine(Cent OS 6).


What we need is that the test methods have to pass in all our machines.

我已尝试清除 Setup() 方法中的记录,但它再次仅适用于我的机器.JUnit 中是否有任何选项可以使测试方法以统一的顺序运行?

I have tried clearing the records in the Setup() method but again it works only on my machine. Is there any option available in JUnit to make the test methods to run in a uniform sequential order ?



JUnit 4.11 现在支持使用 @FixMethodOrder 注解.

JUnit 4.11 now supports specifying execution order using @FixMethodOrder annotation.
