在 Java 中查询系统(不是 JVM)的正常运行时间

2022-01-11 00:00:00 operating-system monitoring java jmx

在 JavaSE 6 中是否有一种与操作系统无关的查询系统(不是 JVM - 我知道 RuntimeMXBean.getUptime())正常运行时间的方法?

Is there a OS-neutral method of querying for system (not JVM - I am aware of RuntimeMXBean.getUptime()) uptime in JavaSE 6 ?




  • 有系统特定查询正常运行时间的方法(例如 *nix 上的正常运行时间)
  • 有多种方法可以检测操作系统.
  • 可能的操作系统数量有限.
  • 而且您处于通用编程环境中,所以...
  • There are system specific ways of querying uptime (e.g. uptime on *nix)
  • There are ways to detect the operating system.
  • There is a small finite number of likely operating systems.
  • And you're in a general purpose programming environment, so...
