Spring AMQP 集成 - 消费者手册 致谢

我正在测试 Spring-AMQPSpring-Integration 支持,我有以下配置和测试:

I am testing Spring-AMQP with Spring-Integration support, I've following configuration and test:

<rabbit:connection-factory id="connectionFactory" />
<rabbit:queue name="durableQ"/>
<int:channel id="consumingChannel">
    <int:queue capacity="2"/> <!-- Message get Acked as-soon-as filled in Q -->


public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Starting consumer with integration..");
    AbstractApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(

    PollableChannel consumingChannel = context.getBean("consumingChannel",   
        int count = 0;
        while (true) {
            Message<?> msg = consumingChannel.receive(1000);
            System.out.println((count++) + " 	 -> " + msg);

            try { //sleep to check number of messages in queue
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

在此配置中,很明显,一旦消息到达 sumptionChannel,它们就会被确认并因此从队列中删除.我通过在 receive 之后放置一个高 sleep 并检查 queue-size 来验证这一点.没有进一步的控制.

In this configuration it was evident that as soon as message arrives at consumingChannel they are Acked and hence removed from queue. I validated this by placing a high sleep after receive and check queue-size. There are no further control on it.

现在,如果我设置 acknowledge-mode=MANUAL,似乎没有办法通过 spring 集成手动执行 ack.

Now if I set acknowledge-mode=MANUAL, there are no ways seems to do manual ack via spring integration.

我需要处理消息,并在处理后执行 manual-ack,以便 ack 消息保持在 durableQ 处.

My need is to process message and after processing do a manual-ack so till ack message remains persisted at durableQ.

有没有办法用 spring-amqp-integration 处理 MANUAL ack?我想避免将 ChannelAwareMessageListener 传递给 inbound-channel-adapter,因为我想控制消费者的 receive.

Is there any way to handle MANUAL ack with spring-amqp-integration? I want to avoid passing ChannelAwareMessageListener to inbound-channel-adapter since I want to have control of consumer's receive.


当使用自己的 listener-containerinbound-channel-adapter 时,这似乎是不可能的:

It even doesn't seems to be possible when using own listener-container with inbound-channel-adapter:

// Below creates a default direct-channel (spring-integration channel) named "adapter", to receive poll this channel which is same as above
<int-amqp:inbound-channel-adapter id="adapter" listener-container="amqpListenerContainer" /> 

<bean id="amqpListenerContainer" class="org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener.SimpleMessageListenerContainer">
    <property name="connectionFactory" ref="connectionFactory" />
    <property name="queueNames" value="durableQ" />
    <property name="acknowledgeMode" value="MANUAL" />

// messageListener not allowed when using with adapter, so no way of having own ChannelAwareMessageListener, so no channel exposed onMessage, hence no way to ack
    <property name="messageListener" ref="listener"/>
<bean id="listener" class="com.sd.springint.rmq.MsgListener"/>

上述配置抛出错误,因为 messageListener 属性是不允许的,请参阅标记的内联注释.所以使用 listner-container 的目的被打败了(通过 ChannelAwareMessageListener 暴露 channel).

Above configuration throws error as messageListener property is not allowed, see inline comment on tag. So purpose of using listner-container got defeated (for exposing channel via ChannelAwareMessageListener).

对我来说 spring-integration 不能用于 manual-acknowledgement (我知道,这很难说!),任何人都可以帮我验证这个或者是我缺少任何特定的方法/配置吗?

To me spring-integration cannot be used for manual-acknowledgement (I know, this is a hard saying!), Can anyone help me in validating this or Is there any specific approach/configuration required for this which I am missing?


问题是因为您使用的是使用 QueueChannel 的异步切换.通常最好控制容器中的并发性(concurrent-consumers="2"),并且不要在流程中进行任何异步切换(使用 DirectChannels).这样,AUTO ack 就可以正常工作了.而不是从 PollableChannel 接收 new MessageHandler()SubscribableChannel.

The problem is because you are using async handoff using a QueueChannel. It is generally better to control the concurrency in the container (concurrent-consumers="2") and don't do any async handoffs in your flow (use DirectChannels). That way, AUTO ack will work just fine. Instead of receiving from the PollableChannel subscribe a new MessageHandler() to a SubscribableChannel.


您通常不需要在 SI 应用程序中处理消息,但您使用 DirectChannel 进行的测试相当于...

You normally don't need to deal with Messages in an SI application, but the equivalent of your test with a DirectChannel would be...

    SubscribableChannel channel = context.getBean("fromRabbit", SubscribableChannel.class);

    channel.subscribe(new MessageHandler() {

        public void handleMessage(Message<?> message) throws MessagingException {
            System.out.println("Got " + message);
