
2022-01-11 00:00:00 json celery django-celery rabbitmq java

我刚接触 celery 和 java 2 天.:(

I just touch celery and java for 2 days. :(

现在,我有一个java客户端通过rabbitmq发送任务的任务.Celery 将是处理任务的工人.

Right now, I have a task that java client send task through rabbitmq. Celery will be the worker to handle task.

我知道 Python->rabbitmq->celery 很容易.但是我可以通过 java->rabbitmq->celery 做到这一点吗?

I know it's easy for Python->rabbitmq->celery. But can I do this by java->rabbitmq->celery ?


The draft idea is that serialization the java function by JSON and then send by rabbitmq, and then handle by celery.


It's better to have example code and could be run directly



你当然可以从 Java 中通过 RabbitMQ 发送消息.有一个用于与 RabbitMQ 交互的 Java 客户端库 - http://www.rabbitmq.com/api-guide.html

You can certainly send messages through RabbitMQ from Java. There is a Java client-side library for interfacing with RabbitMQ - http://www.rabbitmq.com/api-guide.html

本页描述了 Celery 消息格式 - http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/internals/protocol.html.一种风格使用 JSON,并且有很多现有的 Java 库用于 JSON 读写;请参阅 http://json.org

This page describes the Celery message format - http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/internals/protocol.html. One flavour uses JSON, and there are lots of existing Java libraries for reading and writing in JSON; see http://json.org


It's better to have example code and could be run directly


上面链接的页面包含代码片段,RabbitMQ Java 库有一些(小)示例.(至少,页面上是这么说的.)

The page linked above includes code snippets, and the RabbitMQ Java library has some (small) examples. (At least, that's what the page says.)
