基于 TimeZone Java/Groovy 的日期时间转换
我在 MST,我希望我的日期在 PST.我设置了我想要的时区.现在,如果我这样做 c.getTime()
I am in MST and I want my Date in PST. I set the timeZone that I want.
Now if i do c.getTime()
I always get my server time.
Instead I want Pacific Date time. Please help
How to get the date time Object in the specified timezone.
Calendar c= Calendar.getInstance();
TimeZone timezone= TimeZone.getTimeZone("PST");
更新: Joda-Time 项目已经被 java.time 类.请参阅其他答案.
UPDATE: The Joda-Time project has been succeeded by the java.time classes. See this other Answer.
(a) 使用 Joda-Time(或 Java 8 中内置的新 JSR 310).甚至不要考虑使用臭名昭著的糟糕 java.util.Date/Calendar.
(a) Use Joda-Time (or new JSR 310 built into Java 8). Don't even think about using the notoriously bad java.util.Date/Calendar.
(b) 你的问题不清楚.您对答案的评论谈论比较,但您在问题中没有提及比较.
(b) Your question is not clear. Your comments on answers talk about comparing, but you say nothing about comparing in your question.
(c) 避免使用 3 个字母的时区缩写.阅读 Joda-Time 文档中关于 TimeZone<的弃用说明/a> 类.
(c) Avoid the use of 3-letter time zone abbreviations. Read note of deprecation in Joda-Time doc for TimeZone class.
(d) 避免使用默认时区.说出你的意思.您计算机的时区可以有意或无意更改.
(d) Avoid default time zone. Say what you mean. The time zone of your computer can change intentionally or not.
(e) 在 StackOverflow 中搜索joda"以获取大量代码片段和示例.
(e) Search StackOverflow for 'joda' for lots of code snippets and examples.
(f) 这里有一些 Joda-Time 示例代码可以帮助您入门.
(f) Here's some Joda-Time example code to get you started.
// © 2013 Basil Bourque. This source code may be used freely forever by anyone taking full responsibility for doing so.
// Specify your time zone rather than rely on default.
org.joda.time.DateTimeZone californiaTimeZone = org.joda.time.DateTimeZone.forID( "America/Los_Angeles" );
org.joda.time.DateTimeZone denverTimeZone = org.joda.time.DateTimeZone.forID( "America/Denver" );
org.joda.time.DateTime nowDenver = new org.joda.time.DateTime( denverTimeZone );
org.joda.time.DateTime nowCalifornia = nowDenver.toDateTime( californiaTimeZone );
// Same moment in the Universe’s timeline, but presented in the local context.
System.out.println( "nowDenver: " + nowDenver );
System.out.println( "nowCalifornia: " + nowCalifornia );
nowDenver: 2013-11-21T18:12:49.372-07:00
nowCalifornia: 2013-11-21T17:12:49.372-08:00
关于 Joda-Time…
About Joda-Time…
// Joda-Time - The popular alternative to Sun/Oracle's notoriously bad date, time, and calendar classes bundled with Java 7 and earlier.
// http://www.joda.org/joda-time/
// Joda-Time will become outmoded by the JSR 310 Date and Time API introduced in Java 8.
// JSR 310 was inspired by Joda-Time but is not directly based on it.
// http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=310
// By default, Joda-Time produces strings in the standard ISO 8601 format.
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601
// About Daylight Saving Time (DST): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daylight_saving_time
// Time Zone list: http://joda-time.sourceforge.net/timezones.html