
2022-01-11 00:00:00 static thread-safety calendar java


I'd like to use a Calendar for some static methods and use a static field:

private static Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();

现在我读到 java.util.Calendar 不是线程安全的.我怎样才能使这个线程安全(它应该是静态)?

Now I read java.util.Calendar isn't thread safe. How can I make this thread safe (it should be static)?


如果它不是线程安全的,你就不能做一些线程安全的东西.在 Calendar 的情况下,即使从它读取数据也不是线程安全的,因为它可以更新内部数据结构.

You can't make something thread-safe if it isn't. In the case of Calendar, even reading data from it isn't thread-safe, as it can update internal data structures.

如果可能的话,我建议改用 Joda Time:

If at all possible, I'd suggest using Joda Time instead:

  • 大多数类型是不可变的
  • 不可变类型是线程安全的
  • 无论如何,它通常是一个更好的 API

如果您绝对必须使用 Calendar,则可以创建一个锁定对象并通过锁定来进行所有访问.例如:

If you absolutely have to use a Calendar, you could create a locking object and put all the access through a lock. For example:

private static final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
private static final Object calendarLock = new Object();

public static int getYear()
        return calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);

// Ditto for other methods

虽然很恶心.您可以只使用 一个 同步方法,该方法在每次需要时创建原始日历的克隆,当然...可以通过调用 computeFieldscomputeTime 当然,您可以使 后续 读取操作线程安全,但我个人不愿意尝试它.

It's pretty nasty though. You could have just one synchronized method which created a clone of the original calendar each time it was needed, of course... it's possible that by calling computeFields or computeTime you could make subsequent read-operations thread-safe, of course, but personally I'd be loathe to try it.
