使用 Joda-Time 的语言环境的一周开始

2022-01-11 00:00:00 calendar java jodatime weekday

如何根据给定的 区域设置 使用 Joda-Time?

How do you determine which day of the week is considered the "start" according to a given Locale using Joda-Time?

要点:大多数国家/地区使用国际标准星期一作为一周的第一天 (!).其他人使用星期日(尤其是美国).其他人显然是星期六.有些显然是星期三?!

Point: Most countries use the international standard Monday as first day of week (!). A bunch others use Sunday (notably USA). Others apparently Saturday. Some apparently Wednesday?!



Joda-Time 周一至周日使用 ISO 标准.

Joda-Time uses the ISO standard Monday to Sunday week.

它没有能力获取星期的第一天,也没有能力返回基于标准星期一以外的任何一天的星期索引.最后,周数总是按照 ISO 规则计算的.

It does not have the ability to obtain the first day of week, nor to return the day of week index based on any day other than the standard Monday. Finally, weeks are always calculated wrt ISO rules.
