
2022-01-11 00:00:00 calendar java

GregorianCalendar 类是否满足 闰秒?

Are leap seconds catered for by the GregorianCalendar class?

如果没有,是否有任何 3rd 方库满足它?

If not, does any 3rd party library cater for it?


java.util.Date API 说

java.util.Date API says that

"...虽然 Date 类旨在反映协调世界时 (UTC),但它可能并不完全如此,这取决于 Java 虚拟机的主机环境....大多数计算机时钟不够准确能够反映闰秒的区别."

"...although the Date class is intended to reflect coordinated universal time (UTC), it may not do so exactly, depending on the host environment of the Java Virtual Machine. ... Most computer clocks are not accurate enough to be able to reflect the leap-second distinction."


由于地球自转速度会因气候和地质事件而变化,因此 UTC 闰秒间隔不规则且不可预测.每个 UTC 闰秒的插入通常由国际地球自转和参考系统服务大约提前六个月决定(IERS)"

"Because the Earth's rotation speed varies in response to climatic and geological events, UTC leap seconds are irregularly spaced and unpredictable. Insertion of each UTC leap second is usually decided about six months in advance by the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS)"

也就是说,没有班级可以知道未来 IERS 的决定.

that is, no class can know about future IERS decisions.
