为什么我只能有一个 Calendar 对象实例

2022-01-11 00:00:00 calendar java


为什么我只能有一个 Calendar 对象的实例.有没有理由让它成为单身人士?

why can i have only one instance of Calendar object. Is there a reason for it to be a singleton?

我已尝试阅读 文档 但他们没有提到为什么需要这样做.快速谷歌搜索没有给我任何答案.

I have tried to read the documentation but they didn't mention why this is needed. And a quick google search didn't give me any answers.


Calendar 不是单例,它是一个抽象类.getInstance 方法是一个工厂方法,它返回 Calendar 类的具体实现.

Calendar is not a singleton, it is an abstract class. The getInstance method is a Factory method that returns a concrete implementation of the Calendar class.

在 Google 上搜索 java.util.Calendar 源代码,您将了解它是如何工作的.

Search Google for java.util.Calendar source code, and you will see how it works.
