如何使用 java.text.MessageFormat 格式化小数百分比

2022-01-11 00:00:00 text localization java

我的百分比被默认的 java.text.MessageFormat 函数截断,你如何格式化百分比而不损失精度?

My percentages get truncated by the default java.text.MessageFormat function, how do you format a percentage without losing precision?


String expectedResult = "12.5%";
double fraction = 0.125;

String actualResult = MessageFormat.format("{0,number,percent}", fraction);
assert expectedResult.equals(actualResult) : actualResult +" should be formatted as "+expectedResult;



String actualResult = MessageFormat.format("{0,number,#.##%}", fraction);


要查看 # 和 % 是如何解释的,请参阅 java.text.DecimalFormat 的 javadoc.

To see how are the #'s and %'s interpreted, see the javadoc of java.text.DecimalFormat.

编辑 2:是的,国际化是安全的.格式字符串中的点被解释为小数分隔符,而不是硬编码的点.:-)

EDIT 2: And, yes, it is safe for internationalization. The dot in format string is interpreted as a decimal separator, not as a hardcoded dot. :-)
