尊重 ANSI 颜色代码的 Eclipse 控制台视图?

2022-01-11 00:00:00 console eclipse ansi

ScalaTest 的输出被着色以区分不同的状态,但这些最终作为控制代码和

The output from ScalaTest is colored to distinguish different states, but these end up as control codes and

[34m Annoying garbage 

有没有什么方法可以说服 Eclipse 控制台尊重或忽略这些序列,或者插入一个视图来满足这些要求?

Is there any way to convince the Eclipse console to either respect or ignore these sequences, or to plug in a view that will?


我已经成功地使用了这个 Eclipse 插件 - ANSIConsole

I am successfully using this plugin for Eclipse - ANSIConsole
