在 Eclipse 中,我可以同时拥有多个控制台视图,每个视图都显示不同的控制台吗?

2022-01-11 00:00:00 console ide eclipse

我正在开发一些在调试模式下登录到控制台的应用程序.我想从 Eclipse 内部运行和调试它们,并同时查看每个控制台的控制台.但是,我有一个控制台选项卡,一次显示一个控制台输出.有没有办法可以将控制台拆分为多个视图,以便我可以并排控制台输出?

I'm working on some applications that, in debug mode, log to the console. I'd like to run and debug them from inside of Eclipse, and view the console for each one simultaneously. However, I have a single Console tab that shows a single Console output at a time. Is there a way I can split the consoles into multiple views so that I can have side-by-side console output?



  • 位于控制台选项卡附近的应该是一个按钮打开控制台".
  • 如果您单击此按钮,您的选项之一应该是 新控制台视图".

您现在将拥有 2 个控制台视图.

You'll now have 2 console views.

  • 控制台选项卡附近的其他按钮之一是显示选定控制台".当您选择此选项时,您可以从任何正在运行的应用程序中进行选择.
  • 只需选择标签,选择您希望它观看的应用程序,然后重复另一个标签.
  • One of your other buttons near your console tab is "Display Selected Console". When you choose this option you can select from any of your running applications.
  • Just select the tab, select which application you want it to watch, and repeat for the other tab.

然后,您可以将 2 个控制台视图彼此独立地移动到您想要的任何位置.

You can then move your 2 console views to wherever you want independently of each other.

我正在使用构建 ID:20100617-1415 的 Eclipse Helios Release.

I'm using Eclipse Helios Release with build ID: 20100617-1415.
