为了从控制台命令中读取它,您将输入文件放在 eclipse(java) 中的什么位置?

2022-01-11 00:00:00 console resources java eclipse workspace

我正在用 Eclipse(伽利略版)编写一个 java 程序.程序从控制台命令指定的输入文件中读取简单的用户数据并进行处理.

I am writing a java program in eclipse(galileo version). The program reads simple user data from input file specified at console command and process it.

但是我不确定我应该把这个输入文件放在 eclipse 工作区的什么地方,这样当我在 eclipse 中运行程序并输入输入文件名时,可以找到它并且程序可以处理它.

But I am not sure where I should place this input file inside eclipse workspace, so that when I run program in eclipse and type in input file name, it can be found and program can process it.


and is there way to set file path so that I can just place input file anywhere and specified the file path at runtime?




The Java process is started with the project directory as the working directory by default.
