在 Eclipse 中为 ndk 程序设置构建路径

2022-01-10 00:00:00 android-ndk android eclipse buildpath

当我在 Eclipse 中构建 android 应用程序时出现此错误:

This error was shown when I build a android application program in Eclipse:

14:43:33 **** Incremental Build of configuration Default for project com.***.NDKDemo ****
ndk-build all 
Cannot run program "ndk-build": Unknown reason

Error: Program "ndk-build" not found in PATH

14:43:33 Build Finished (took 16ms)

请给我一个解决方案,在 Eclipse 中包含构建路径..

Please give me a solution to include the build path in Eclipse..


//goto Preference Android NDK 并选择你的ndk位置

//goto Preference Android NDK and choose your ndk location

在隐藏的 .bashrc 文件中添加以下行

in your hidden .bashrc file add this below line

export NDK_PATH=/home/padmakumar/android-ndk-r7b
