如何防止 Eclipse 在包资源管理器中显示打开的文件

2022-01-10 00:00:00 navigation eclipse package-explorer

不知何故,当我使用 Eclipse 浏览源文件时,Eclipse 总是使用包资源管理器选择(并展开)打开的文件.这样我就结束了

somehow I've ended up in a situation such that when I navigate through source files with Eclipse, the Eclipse always selects (and expands) the opened file with package explorer. With this I end up

  • 在 Package Explorer 上丢失我的位置
  • 让我的包资源管理器扩展并且相当混乱.


With brief googling/exploring on the preferences I couldn't find this one..

如果发生这种情况,Eclipse 版本是 3.4.

Eclipse version is 3.4 if that happens to matter.



关闭 Package Explorer 工具栏中的Link with Editor"选项.

Turn off the "Link with Editor" option in the Package Explorer toolbar.


(the left/right arrow icon, turned on here)
