
2022-01-10 00:00:00 math trigonometry navigation java


Given two bearing, how do I find the smallest angle between them?

例如,如果第一个航向是 340 度,第二个航向是 10 度,那么最小的角度就是 30 度.

So for example if 1 heading is 340 degrees and the second is 10 degrees the smallest angle will be 30 degrees.

我附上了一张图片来说明我的意思.我试过从另一个中减去一个,但由于圆圈的环绕效果,这不起作用.我也尝试过使用负度数(180 - 359 是 -180 到 0),但是在尝试计算正数和负数之间的角度时会搞砸.

I've attached a picture to show what I mean. I've tried subtracting one from the other but that didn't work because of the wrap around effect of a circle. I've also tried using negative degrees (180 - 359 being -180 to 0) but that got messed up when trying to calculate the angle between positive and negative number.

我确信必须有一种更简单的方法来处理大量 if 语句.

I'm sure there must be an easier way that having lots of if statements.



BTW. This is a navigation question so the radius of the circle is unknown.


float getDifference(float a1, float a2) {
    return Math.min((a1-a2)<0?a1-a2+360:a1-a2, (a2-a1)<0?a2-a1+360:a2-a1)
