使用带有 Java 的 Google Drive API,如何仅列出 Drive Section/Folder 中的文件

2022-01-10 00:00:00 google-drive-api java

我正在尝试获取 Google Drive 特定部分(驱动器部分)中的所有文件.

I am trying to get all files that are in a specific section of Google Drive (The Drive Section).


Those are the files I am looking for:

您可以看到一个名为 Projet 3 的文件夹和一个名为 Processus TP2 questions 的文件.在文件夹中我只有一个文件.

You can see a folder named Projet 3 and a file named Processus TP2 questions. In the folder I only have one file.

但是当我尝试列出所有文件时,我得到了数千个文件.如果我使用 Google Drive 顶部的搜索栏搜索它们,它会找到它们,但我不知道它们在哪里(可能是 Gmail 附件?).

But when I try to list all the files, I get thousands of files. If I search for them using the search bar on top of Google Drive, it finds them, but I have no idea where they are (maybe Gmail attachement?).


FileList result = service.files().list()
    .setQ("mimeType != 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder' 
            and trashed = false")
    .setFields("nextPageToken, files(id, name, parents)")

如何仅列出我可以在网络 UI 上的驱动器部分/文件夹中看到的文件?

How can I list only the files I can see in my Drive Section/Folder on the web UI?




Use "parents" property in your query, like this:

FileList result = service.files().list()
.setQ("'root' in parents and mimeType != 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder' and trashed = false")
.setFields("nextPageToken, files(id, name, parents)")

如果您想列出特定文件夹的内容而不是根目录 - 在查询中使用该文件夹的 ID 而不是根目录".

If you want to list the contents of a specific folder rather than root - use that folder's id instead of 'root' in the query.
