
2022-01-10 00:00:00 string iterator java

我需要一个来自 String 对象的 Iterator<Character>.Java 中是否有任何可用函数可以为我提供此功能,还是我必须自己编写代码?

I need a Iterator<Character> from a String object. Is there any available function in Java that provides me this or do I have to code my own?


一种选择是使用 番石榴:

ImmutableList<Character> chars = Lists.charactersOf(someString);
UnmodifiableListIterator<Character> iter = chars.listIterator();


This produces an immutable list of characters that is backed by the given string (no copying involved).

如果您最终自己这样做,我建议不要像许多其他示例那样公开 Iterator 的实现类.我建议改为创建自己的实用程序类并公开静态工厂方法:

If you end up doing this yourself, though, I would recommend not exposing the implementation class for the Iterator as a number of other examples do. I'd recommend instead making your own utility class and exposing a static factory method:

public static Iterator<Character> stringIterator(final String string) {
  // Ensure the error is found as soon as possible.
  if (string == null)
    throw new NullPointerException();

  return new Iterator<Character>() {
    private int index = 0;

    public boolean hasNext() {
      return index < string.length();

    public Character next() {
       * Throw NoSuchElementException as defined by the Iterator contract,
       * not IndexOutOfBoundsException.
      if (!hasNext())
        throw new NoSuchElementException();
      return string.charAt(index++);

    public void remove() {
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
