克隆 JavaFX 节点?

2022-01-10 00:00:00 clone duplicates java javafx scenebuilder

我在 JavaFX 场景构建器中创建了一个 Node (AnchorPane) 并且想知道如何克隆它.

I have created a Node (AnchorPane) in the JavaFX scene builder and was wondering how to clone it.

我在 JavaFX 2.0 中看到 复制/克隆节点,但我需要克隆 Node 而无需重新加载 fxml.

I saw Duplicate/Clone Node in JavaFX 2.0 but I need to clone the Node without re-loading the fxml.

有没有办法在 JavaFX 2 中实现这一点?

Is there any way to achieve this in JavaFX 2?



You can place the component that needs to be duplicated in a separate .fxml file.


Then you can load the separate file as many times as needed adding the nodes to the appropriate root in the main scene.

此外,您可以将 <fx:include source=".​​.."/> 元素编辑到主 .fxml 文件并包含单独的 .fxml 文件.然后,您仍然可以在 JavaFX Builder 中使用它.

Additionally you can edit an <fx:include source="..."/> element to the main .fxml file and include the separate .fxml file. You can then still work with it in the JavaFX Builder.
