

I am creating an application and I need to connect to a database. The database requires login/password so the application can do operations like select and insert.


In the application I need to connect to the database using login and password, so the application is free to do some tasks on the database. My question is: how do I store and use a password to connect to the database without exposing the password?


I can't simply use a hash or encryption to store the password because the database must recognize the password (I think most or all databases must receive password as plain text).




Note: The connection is made by the application. No human input to do the connection.

(编辑)关于应用程序的更多信息:它是一个使用 servlets/jsp 的 Web 应用程序.数据库位于应用程序的同一台服务器上.应用程序的用户是默认用户,没有完全的管理权限,但它可以插入/删除行并执行大多数涉及查询和表中数据修改的事情.

(Edit)More info about the application: it is a web application using servlets/jsp. The database is on the same server of the application. The user for the application is a default user without complete admin powers, but it may insert/delete rows and do most things that involve queries and data modification in tables.


通常的做法是将用户名/密码外部化为 property/config 文件,在运行时读取(无论您是否使用本机 JDBC/JNDI/CDI/J2EE 数据源/等).

The usual way this is done is to externalize the username/password to a property/config file which is read at runtime (whether or not you use native JDBC/JNDI/CDI/J2EE datasource/etc).


The file is protected via the O/S security by the sysadmins.


The O/S has better tools for protection than app code.
