MessageDigest.getInstance(“SHA") 返回什么特定的哈希算法?

2022-01-10 00:00:00 cryptography java undefined-behavior

MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA") 似乎工作并给了我一个 MessageDigest,但我不知道它给了我什么算法.

MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA") seems to work and gives me a MessageDigest, but I can't tell what algorithm it's giving me.

是 SHA-1 还是 SHA-0 还是 ..?

Is it SHA-1 or SHA-0 or ..?

我对我的机器上发生的事情不感兴趣.我想知道它是否会为所有有效的 Java 实现返回 sha0 或 sha1(或者它是未定义的).

I'm not interested in what happens on my machine. I want to know whether it will return sha0 or sha1 for all valid implementations of Java (or it's undefined).


JCE 规范 列出了实现应该支持的标准名称.指定了SHA-1",以及 SHA-256、SHA-384 和 SHA-512.SHA"、SHA-0"和SHA-2"不是标准名称,因此可能根本不受支持.您不能保证SHA"会返回什么,如果有的话,因为它不在标准中.

The JCE Specification lists standard names that an implementation is expected to support. "SHA-1" is specified, as are SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512. "SHA", "SHA-0" and SHA-2" are not standard names and therefore may not be supported at all. You cannot guarantee what "SHA" will return, if anything at all, because it is not in the standard.
