Java JTextpane 选项卡大小

2022-01-09 00:00:00 tabs java swing jtextpane

我正在编写一个 Java 程序,我在程序的某些部分使用了 JTextpane.在这个 JTextpane 中,我使用制表符 ( ) 来制作列,例如:

I am writing a Java program, and I use in some part of the program a JTextpane. In this JTextpane I use tabs ( ) to make columns, something like:

txtpnMTrace = new JTextPane();
txtpnMTrace.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 11));
doc = txtpnMTrace.getStyledDocument();
 doc.insertString(doc.getLength(),value1+"	"+value2+"	"+value3+"
", null);


我可以在制表符 ( ) 距离处看到列中的值.制表符距离始终相同,我想更改此距离以改善外观.

I can see the values in columns at tab ( ) distance. The tab distance is always the same, and I want to change this distance to improve the look.

您知道如何更改 JTextPane 中的选项卡 ( ) 大小吗?

Do you know How Can I change the tab ( ) size in JTextPane?



import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.text.*;

public class TabExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        JTextPane pane = new JTextPane();
        TabStop[] tabs = new TabStop[4];
        tabs[0] = new TabStop(60, TabStop.ALIGN_RIGHT, TabStop.LEAD_NONE);
        tabs[1] = new TabStop(100, TabStop.ALIGN_LEFT, TabStop.LEAD_NONE);
        tabs[2] = new TabStop(200, TabStop.ALIGN_CENTER, TabStop.LEAD_NONE);
        tabs[3] = new TabStop(300, TabStop.ALIGN_DECIMAL, TabStop.LEAD_NONE);
        TabSet tabset = new TabSet(tabs);

        StyleContext sc = StyleContext.getDefaultStyleContext();
        AttributeSet aset = sc.addAttribute(SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY,
        StyleConstants.TabSet, tabset);
        pane.setParagraphAttributes(aset, false);
        pane.setText("	right	left	center	decimal
" + "	1	1	1	1.0
        + "	200.002	200.002	200.002	200.002
        + "	.33	.33	.33	.33

        JFrame frame = new JFrame("TabExample");
        frame.setContentPane(new JScrollPane(pane));
        frame.setSize(360, 120);
