logback.xml 的 XML 模式或 DTD?

2022-01-09 00:00:00 xml xsd java logback dtd

我在网上看到过一些讨论,关于如果有一个 XML 模式或 DTD for logback.xml 文件至少在 IDEA 或 Eclipse 等 IDE 中具有非常基本的验证和自动完成功能,那该有多好,但是我从未见过任何解决方案.

I've seen several discussions on the net about how great it would be to have an XML schema or DTD for logback.xml file to have at least the very basic validation and auto-completion in IDEs like IDEA or Eclipse, but I never saw any solution.




It is not supported officially according to the documentation, but there is an independent project to provide Schema for Logback

但是,由于 Logback 配置的极大灵活性,Schema 无法支持所有可能的配置选项.

However, due to extreme flexibility of the Logback configuration, Schema cannot support all possible configuration options.
